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At Body in Balance Chiropractic we believe that everyone deserves to live a healthy and vibrant life. Restoring proper function to the nervous system through Chiropractic care allows the body to heal properly, and function optimally! We are here to serve everyone in our community, from expecting moms and newborns, to sports enthusiasts and the elderly. Together, our goal is to help maximize your quality of life. We strive to provide excellent healthcare for all to experience the balanced and pain-free standard of living that you deserve!



Chiropractic care is beneficial for people of all ages and all different walks of life. Our goal is to provide the best possible care to restore normal function and balance to the body. Having a neuro-spinal system that is clear and connected allows for an optimally functioning, thriving body! We are here to help you rediscover and maintain the healthiest version of yourself.



BIRTHFIT is a movement. It's about expecting and postpartum mamas taking charge of their bodies and their decisions, and supporting one another's journeys—together and apart. Women that are trying to conceive, expecting, or postpartum we are here to support you! We believe that the motherhood transition deserves attention as well as intention; we support women making informed decisions rather than accepting the status quo.

The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
— Thomas Edison